New series of dryers – Dragon Heart

winterspace s.r.o. prichádza na trh s novinkou DragonHeart (Dračie srdce)
DragonHeart sú prenosné turbo sušiče s extrémnym prietokom ohrievaného vzduchu. V zloženom stave tvoria kompaktný celok (veľkosť bežnej krabice), čím je uľahčené ich prenášanie (…)

The city of Poprad has the most modern hockey training hall in Slovakia.

Thanks to the initiative of Mayor Anton Danko, Honorary President of HK Poprad Ján Telenský and architect and author of the project Pavel Kučera, a unique project was recently created under the Tatras – Training Hockey Hall in Poprad (…)

Ozone as an effective weapon in the fight against coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

Nowadays, the whole world is facing a pandemic that causes COVID-19. Information about the disease, possibilities of health protection, a large number of measures and possible treatments are now topic number 1 (…)

Hokej pre všetkých

Hockey as a collective sport has been very popular in Slovakia for many years. It is played in the summer between blocks of flats with a ball, in the winter on any frozen area… Those who do not play, at least cheer from the comfort of their homes during the championships. Slovakia, as a small […]

13 years of progress – 13 benefits of drying

Výrobou sušiacich, dezinfekčných a úložných systémov sa zaoberáme už od roku 2006. Tak ako neustávajú postrehy od našich klientov, tak neustáva ani vývoj našich výrobkov. Snažíme sa o ich neustále zlepšovanie, (…)